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Onsite Desktop Support

Sitting there frustrated with your Internal resource?  Anxious with the fundamental lack of core skills to support your staff and IT infrastructure?

Worried about outsourcing to a remote managed service desk provider? Why not hire Primenet Embedded Onsite Desktop Support!  

We will deploy highly trained engineers with specific skill sets tailor-made to integrate with your company business systems and working dynamic, at a fraction of the cost of employing your own in-house IT support team. Deploy a single point of contact on the ground with access to the vast knowledge base of third-line engineers working remotely within Primenet. With this personalised service, we can make it as flexible as you need; from one day a week to a whole embedded helpdesk on the office floor.  

Whatever your requirements, we have a personalised solution to suit you.  

Onsite Business hours Onsite 24/7 rotational support, 365 days a year if required Onsite Business hours, plus 24/7 remote support 365 days a year.

Here at Primenet, we offer unique SLA support delivered to your exact specifications, either cloning your existing service.

We also will undertake TUPE.  This stands for the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations. This is relevant to any redundancy decisions where a business or part of it (including employees) is transferred from one owner to another, basically keeping valued members of staff employed and kept within the working environment, keeping intellectual knowledge on-premise. 

Contact us today to find the best solution to support your organisation.